March 10, 2024 2024-07-18 9:30ms-b-uma-maheswari

Dr. Uma Maheswari
Designation: Associate Professor
Dr B.Uma Maheswari is an Associate Professor of the decision sciences stream at PSG Institute of Management, Tamil Nadu, India. An academician with around two decades of experience she specializes in the field of data science, strategic management, business analytics, design thinking and entrepreneurship. She along with her colleague Dr Sujatha authored a book titled ‘Introduction to Data Science, Practical approach with R and Python’ published by Wiley as part of their Emerging Technology series in 2021. Her book “Predictive Analytics for Data Driven Decision Making – Tools and Techniques for Solving Real World Problems” has been published by Nova Science publishers, New York in 2022.She is a gold medallist in her MBA program from PSG College of Technology and a University Rank holder during her under graduation. She has undergone training with various prestigious institutions across the globe. She has been certified by Great Lakes Institute of Management and University of Texas, Austin for completion of the Post Graduate Program in Business Analytics and Business Intelligence in 2020. She is a Master trainer in Design thinking certified by The School of Design Thinking, Chennai. She has been certified by the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania for the completion of their course on Customer Analytics, People Analytics, Accounting Analytics and Operations Analytics. She has also completed a Certificate Program for Entrepreneurship Training conducted by the Whadwani Center for Entrepreneurship, ISB, Hyderabad and training modules in Strategic Management conducted by the IIT and IIM. She has also published many research papers in various national and international journals and has been recognized for her research in various forums. She conducts several training programs in the domain of data science & business analytics and is well versed in R, Python and Tableau. She created and launched a One-year Executive program in Data Science. She is member of the core Accreditation team.
Role | Period |
Core member Accreditation team | 2020-till date |
Secretary, PSG Management Alumni Association | 2011-2014 |
Degree | University | Year |
PhD | Anna University | 2017 |
MBA | Bharathiar University | 1997 |
PGPBABI | Great Lakes Institute of Management and Texas University, Austin | 2020 |
ADBM | AIMA | 2004 |
B.Com | Bharathiar University | 1995 |
- Dr B.Uma Maheswari, Dr D.Kavitha and Dr R.Sujatha won the Gold medal for their case titled “Milky Mist: A compelling story of how a modest milk business became a household brand” at the Best-Case Study Contest, as part of the 33rd Annual Management Education convention of the Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) held at GNIMS, Mumbai, Aug 25 to 27, 2022.
- R.Sujatha, D.Kavitha and B.Uma Maheswari won the Best-case award for the case titled ” Access Technology – Managing Knowledge in Project Based Environment – A Challenge” in Annual Case Competition 2022 conducted by K J Somaiya Institute Management, Mumbai.
- Won the Outstanding Academic Achievement award for the year 2021-22 from PSG Institute of Management
- B.Uma Maheswari, Selva Gomathy, R.Sujatha and D. Kavitha received the Best paper award for the paper entitled “Will CSK win IPL 2022 ? Application of Machine learning algorithms in Sports” in 1st international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (ICAIDS – 2022) organized by the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram in Association with Object Automation Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Open Power, IBM, Institute, X-Scale Solutions on 4th & 5th March, 2022.
- Received the Distinguished paper award for the paper titled ” A study on impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chain efficiency among manufacturing firms” by Sujatha R, Uma Maheswari B and Ivan Kenny Raj, presented at the International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Advanced manufacturing held during 11-12, Jan 2022 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- UGC – A minor research project proposal in the topic “A study on the contribution of small family run business to the Indian economy and development of a strategic module to ensure enhancement in their performance” worth Rs1, 90,000 completed in the year 2013.
- Awarded the “PSG Teacher of the year award 2018” by PSG Institutions in recognition of the significant achievements and meritorious contributions on the occasion of Teachers Day Celebrations 2018,
- Won the Gold medal – AIMS JL Batra Best Research Paper award during 30th AIMS Annual Management Convention 2018, 30th Aug -1st Sep 2018 for the paper titled- ‘Sustainability framework for Small and medium enterprises: An Interpretive Structural Modelling approach’.
- Awarded the Outstanding Paper Award in the INFOMS Best paper competition at International Conference on Management and Information System(ICMIS-17) organized by the International Forum of Management Scholars (INFOMS) and Chitkara University, at Bangkok Sep 25-27, 2017 “Inter-organizational collaboration for CSR: An exploratory study”.
- Silver Medal in the Best Case Presentation Contest for the case on Suguna Poultry at the 19th AIMS National convention held at IIM Kolkata (Aug 2007)