1. Goal: PSGIM aims to be a top business school in the country, focusing on excellence in education.
  2. Rankings: We consistently rank in the top 50 business schools nationwide, with Business World ranking us 22nd and Education World ranking us 20th.
  3. Accreditations: PSGIM is the first Indian B-school accredited by ACBSP for MBA and EMBA programs. We’re also pursuing accreditation with AACSB. Additionally, we hold the Platinum Ranking International Certification by MAC International Educational Standards, Singapore. Our programs are nationally accredited by NBA and AICTE.
  4. ABBS Membership: PSGIM is a proud founding member of ABBS, fostering collaboration among business schools in BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).
  1. Teaching Methods: We use diverse techniques like case studies, internships, lectures from experts, summer projects, and interactive learning.
  2. Harvard Cases: We partner with Harvard Publishing to use their cases for teaching.
  3. Holistic Development: We focus on communication, negotiation, conflict and time management, and self-management skills.
  4. ALPS Program: Our Active Learning Program Service fosters leadership, communication, and teamwork skills.
  5. Training Center: Located amidst nature, our center at the foothills of Western Ghats trains students and professionals in leadership, communication, and teamwork through engaging activities led by experienced trainers.
  1. First Year: Learn basics of management, finance, and research methods.
  2. Second Year: Choose a specialization in a specific area of interest.
  3. Electives: Lots of options to dive deeper into particular subjects.
  4. Rigorous Training: Prepares students for handling business challenges.
  5. Final Project: Complete a dissertation to showcase strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.
  1. Teaching Approach: PSGIM emphasizes case studies and practical learning to prepare students for real-world business challenges.
  2. Application-Based Curriculum: Our focus on practical skills sets us apart from other business schools, making students industry-ready.
  3. Harvard Cases: We have an agreement with Harvard Publishing to use their cases for teaching.
  4. Knowledge Sharing: We use Moodle, a knowledge interface system, to facilitate easy sharing of information between faculty and students.