
2023-2024Aiswarya, Balachandar&Ramasundaram, Gurusamy. (2024). Online food delivery technology and family food traditions: A sociocultural perspective. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. 14(1). 68-73. 10.1177/20438869221150826. (scopus indexed)
B, Uma Maheswari. (2024). Amalgamation of Technology Adoption Model (TAM) and Conjoint Analysis to Understand Consumers’ Perception of Wearable Health-Tech Devices. International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope. 5(2). 59-72. 10.47857/irjms.2024.v05i02.0280. (scopus indexed)
J. Sekkizhar N.A. &Ramdass, Sujatha. (2024). Internet penetration and effectiveness of ICT usage in online flipped classrooms: a value addition to business education. International Journal of Management in Education. 18(6). 563-594. 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10064924. (scopus indexed)
S, Kirubakaran, A.B. Nadaf, V.S.P. Sumitha, K. Arulrajan. (2024). Dynamic Opportunistic Networking For Crowdsourced Waste Management And Pollution Control, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 25(4), 1041-1050. (scopus indexed)
Kumar, Praveen &Priyadarsini, Kirupa&Soundarapandiyan, Krishnaswami. (2024). Does perceived corporate social responsibility improve customer engagement - An empirical evidence from Indian banks. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management. 13(3). 350-368. 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.138039. (scopus indexed)
Sharma, R., Harish, V., & Rana, G. (2024). Sustainability in Project Management: Factors that Play a Pivotal Role in Influencing Adoption of Sustainability Practices in IT Projects. Journal of Informatics Education and Research. 4(3).10.52783/jier.v4i3.1719. (ABDC indexed - C).
Baranipriya A, Sreeanandan&Sengottuvelu C (2024). A Comprehensive Study on Working Conditions and Health Hazards of Brick Kiln Workers in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu. Industrial Engineering Journal. 27(11). (UGC CARE indexed)
Sambandan, Devaraj &Thirupathi, Devi. (2024). Towards a Unified Management Interface for 5G Sensor Networks: Interoperability between Yet Another Next Generation and Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture. Sensors. 24(19). 6231. 10.3390/s24196231. (scopus indexed)
Kaviya Shree, V.S. &Kirupa Priyadarshini, M.. (2024). Integration of sustainable AR/VR technology in retail jewelry segment - A study on customer perceptions. AIP Conference Proceedings. 3221(1). 020007. 10.1063/5.0235904. (scopus indexed)
Harish, Venkatasubramanian& Nayyar, Anand. (2024). Thriving in Industry 5.0 The evolving role of employees in the age of automation and innovation. Modern Technologies and Tools Supporting the Development of Industry 5.0. 107-148. 10.1201/9781003489269-4. (scopus indexed)
K. Nalini, P., Jaisankar, S., Anandavel, V. (2024). Traversing the Perception Maze: Delving into the intricate terrain of potential customer perceptions in the realm of organic foods through the application of Text Mining. 4th International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management 2024. ICIPTM. (scopus indexed)
Anifa, Mansurali& R, Deepa. (2023). Diagnosing the Psychosocial Effects of COVID-19 Among the Working Population. In book: Emerging Business Trends and Management Practices. 71-92, 10.1201/9781003331353-4. (scopus indexed)
J. Srivastava & K. Priyadarsini, (2024) "Uncovering User Attitudes and Satisfaction Levels with HRMS Applications: Insights from Sentiment Analysis," 2024 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies, Pune, India. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/TQCEBT59414.2024.10545119. (scopus indexed)
2022-2023Sujatha R, Uma Maheswari B and Mansurali A (2022). Application of machine learning algorithms to predict survival of micro small and medium enterprises in India. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies Vol.14, No.4, pp.317-335. DOI: 10.1504/IJDATS.2022.10054337 (Scopus Indexed)
Sujatha, R., Maheswari, B.U., Raj, L.I.K. (2023). A Study on Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Efficiency among Manufacturing Firms. In: Chakrabarti, A., Suwas, S., Arora, M. (eds) Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. (Scopus Indexed)
Uma Maheswari, B., Chandran, H.S., Sujatha, R., Kavitha, D. (2023). Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for Creating a Wilful Defaulter Prediction Model. In: Bhateja, V., Sunitha, K.V.N., Chen, YW., Zhang, YD. (eds) Intelligent System Design. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 494. Springer, Singapore. (Scopus Indexed)
Arulrajan, K. (2022). Integrated artificial intelligence effect on crisis management and lean production: structural equation modelling frame work, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. DOI. 10.1007/s13198-022-01679-1
Vaidehi Priyal V, Perumal K , Ramkumar N, Mohideen K, (2022), Experiment On Opening Third Eye And Developing Seventh Sense To Achieve Telepathic Communication, Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics 2022, 31(3), Retrieved from, Vol. 31 No. 3, 996-1012
Mansurali A, Harish V, Sherin Hussain & Raveendar Sharma (2022), Game Rules Prediction – Winning Strategies Using Decision Tree Algorithms, Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 1742), 10.1007/978-3-031-23647-1_2.
Mansurali A, Harish V, Swamynathan R (2023), Industry 5.0 – The Co-creator in Marketing, Transformation for Sustainable Business and Management Practices: Exploring the Spectrum of Industry 5.0, Emerald Publishing.
Krishnaveni, Harish, Mansurali A (2022), THE GREAT RESIGNATION: PUBLIC PERCEPTION ON TWITTER, Anvesak, ISSN: 0378 – 4568 UGC Care Group 1 Journal, Vol. 52, No.1(III), pp.23-3.
Harish, V. (2022). Critical success factors in Project Management in International Journal of Modernization in Engineering technology and science V3, Issue 09, Sep 2022 e-ISSN: 2582-5208
Sekkizhar, J., Vivek, N. (2023). Buffer Sizing, Resizing and Monitoring in TOC DBM Approach with Respect to Seasonal Products—A Simulation Study. In: Natarajan, E., Vinodh, S., Rajkumar, V. (eds) Materials, Design and Manufacturing for Sustainable Environment. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.SCOPUS INDEXED
Sekkizhar, J., Vivek, N. (2023). Establishing Flow and Improving Flow Velocity in Manufacturing Systems—Pointers from Theory of Constraints. In: Natarajan, E., Vinodh, S., Rajkumar, V. (eds) Materials, Design and Manufacturing for Sustainable Environment. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.SCOPUS INDEXED
Nalini Palaniswamy, S.T Thilagavathi“ (2022) Implications of Covid-19’ on Business Functions of MSME Organisation- An empirical Investigation International Journal of Human Rights, Vol 9(II), Pg No – 93-99, ICI indexed, UGC CARE LISTED
Kavitha, D. (2022), “A panacea for small firm insolvencies? – A critical review of the pre-pack scheme launched in India”, International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 64 No. 5, pp. 389-402.
R.Muruganandham, A.Sheik Abdulla and S.Selvakumar (2022)”A hybrid web analytic approach through click enabled vision based page segmentation in quest software for school”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 43 (2022) 6863–6875DOI:10.3233/JIFS-221392 SCOPUS INDEXED
R.Muruganandham and J.Dinesh (2022) “A Study on the Effectiveness of Blockchain Integrated Supply Chain in the Retail Market”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Volume 13 , Special Issue 3 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S03.048 SCOPUS INDEXED
Deepa, R., & Mansurali, A. (2022). Reflective Journaling to Assure Learning in the Affective Domain. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases. (Scopus Indexed)
R.Chitra and B.Subadra Devi (2022), “A study on Change in Consumer Buying Behaviour of Organic Food Products post Covid 19 pandamic”, International Journal for Research in Engineering , Application & Management. Vol 8 Iss 1 PP 23-28, April 2022 ISSN: 2454-9150, Impact factor 7.427, UGC Approved Journal
Deepa, R., & Mansurali, A. (2021). Assurance of Learning in the Affective Domain – Case from a Business School in India. In Piispanen, V., Dey, A. K., Mishra, S. (Eds.), Case Studies on Perspectives on Management and Digital Business. Bloomsbury, ISBN: 978-93-54352-77-5
R. Chitra, R. Jagajeevan and N.L. Balasudarsun (2022), “Demand Estimation model for Sustainable Profitability of Organic farm produce- A Case Study”, Periodica di Mineralogia, Vol 91, Issue 3 PP 115-127 June 2022 ISSN: 0369-8963
R. Muruganandham, K.Venkatesh, S. R. Devadasan, V.Harish. (2022) “TQM through the integration of blockchain with ISO 9001:2015 standard based Quality Management System”, TQM and Business Excellence,, Category A(ABDC), Q1. Publication Date: 07.04.22
Vaidehi Priyal V, Perumal K, Ramkumar N and Mohideen K, (2022), Methods to Unlock Telepathic Ability by Activating Pineal Gland and Still Cerebral Cortex, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), Vol 14, Issue 02, 6661-6670.
Ramkumar N and Usha M (2022), Measuring Cultural Intelligence and Employee Engagement of Internal Migrants in Indian Tea Plantations, PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA Volume 91, No. 3, 144-166. (Scopus Indexed Journal)
2021-2022Arul Rajan, K., H Kaur, A K Singh, (2022). A critical analysis of the emergence and development of cryptocurrencies and how it impacts the current economic activities, Vidhabharati International Inerdisciplinary Research Journal ( Special Issue) ISSN 2319 – 4979 ( Q3)
V. Srividya V. (2021), An Investigation on Factors Determining Investments in Retirement Products, RIGEO, 11(&),3663-3676.Doi:10.48047/rigeo.11.07.336
V. Srividya, and D. Susana. (2021) A Study On Impact Of Behavioural Biases On Investment Decisions Of Equity Market Investors. Review of International Geographical Education , 11(7), 3596-3609.
L., Karthikeyan; V., Srividya; S. S., Manikandan, (2021). A study on the factors influencing the success of an Initial Public Offer (IPO), Review of International Geographical Education Online. 11(7), 3032-3037.
Muruganandham, R., Vivek, N., Sekkizhar, J., & Karthikeyan, M. S. (2021). Impact Of Uncertainty And Supply Chain Maturity On Supply Chain Performance Of Indian Companies. International Journal of Aquatic Science, 12(2)
Sekkizhar, J. & Vivek, N. (2021). Profitability of Supply Chain in Open Competition Environment: A Simulation Study Using the Theory of constraints Replenishment Framework. Review of International Geographical Education, 11(7)
V.Srividya, Shripria and J, Sekkizhar and S, Raksha (2021) Stock Volatility around Bank merger announcements: Evidence from India. In: ICCAP 2021, , 10.4108/eai.7-12-2021.2315105.
V.Srividya, V.Shripria, Athira, A study on the relationship between Predictive HR Analytics and HRM practices in the IT sector, Conference: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Combinatorial and Optimization, ICCAP 2021, December 7-8 2021,
N.L. Balasudarsun, Ashok Kumar Patnaik, R. Chitra, R. Jagajeevan, Biswa Ranjan Kumar(2021), “Introspection into influence of Social Media on the Consumer Buying Behavior”, Review of International Geographical Education ISSN: 2146-0353 ? © RIGEO ? 11(7), SPRING, 2021 PP 3689-3700 H-index-4
R.Muruganandham, M.S.Karthikeyan, R.Jagajeevan, R.Chitra, Joshua Selvakumar.J and S.Akshaya (2021) “Deep Learning based forecast using RNN for stock price prediction”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.14( November ,2021), 4939- 4954 e-ISSN 1309-4653 H- Index 3
S. Jaisankar, P. Nalini “Best Practices Adopted by Khadi Institutions- A Case-Study on Avarampalayam Sarvodaya Sangh, Coimbatore, ANVESAK, ISSN: 0378 – 4568, UGC Care Group 1 Journal Vol. 51, No.2 (II) December 2021.
D. Mohan, K. Rubigha and P. Nalini, “Re-thinking the Role of Women in Sustainable Business Leadership,” 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675488. Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 20 January 2022
K. Rubigha, D. Mohan and P. Nalini, “A Sustainable Approach for the Use of Perovskite in Photovoltaics by Reduction or Elimination of Toxic Lead,” 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675555. Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 20 January 2022
D. KRISHNAVENI, V. SAKTHIRAMA AND SARANYA BALU, Re-emergence of Traditionally Prepared Cold Pressed Edible Oil in Southern India – An Exploratory Study Ethno Med, 16(1-2):1-6(2022)
R.Chitra and B.Subadra Devi (2022), “A study on Change in Consumer Buying Behaviour of Organic Food Products post Covid 19 pandamic”, International Journal for Research in Engineering , Application & Management. Vol 8 Iss 1 PP 23-28, April 2022 ISSN: 2454-9150, Impact factor 7.427, UGC Approved Journal
Balasudarsun. N.L., R.Chitra and R.Jagajeevan (2021),” 100% Electrification in automotive India – Feasible? – An insight into the challenges headed up towards future”. ICCAP 2021: Proceedings of the first International Conference on Combinatorics and Optimization, Organized by Bharath University, Chennai, India. Published by European Alliance for Innovation. December 7-8,2021. PP 907-913. ISBN 1631903306, 9781631903304.
Kavitha D, Sujatha R, Uma Maheswari B(2022). Have the Services of Small Finance Banks Reached the Beneficiaries Effectively? Evidence from Rural Regions. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 5 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022, pp 218-224.
Uma Maheswari B, Sujatha R, Kavitha D, Yogesh S, Vimalnathan KK (2022). A Study on Perception of Mobile Payment Service among College Students, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan
Maheswari B, U, Kavitha D, Sujatha R, and Sujith P. (2021). A Conjoint Analysis Approach to Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Banks. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(7), 3912-3920. Doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.07.360
Dr.V. Harish, Dr.D. KrishnaveniDr.A. Mansurali (2022) Reverse Supply Chain – The Need Of The Hour In E- Commerce Industries, ICCAP 2021. (Conference Publication)
Mansurali A, Swamynathan R, Mary Jeyanthi P (2021), Consumer Buying Behaviour During COVID-19, Webology, 18(Special Issue), 993-1006
Mansurali, A., Swamynathan, R., & Karthick. (2021). Components of supply chain management and analytical techniques used – A literature review, The journal of oriental research madras, XCII( 3), 157-168
Joshua Selvakumar J, T S Arthi (2021), “Understanding the Top of the Mind Awareness and Brand Preference Congruence in Prospective Hospital Patients Through Discriminant Analysis of Aaker’s Brand Equity Model”, International Journal of contemporary Management: Theory and Practices, Vol.6, Issue 1, ISSN 2395-4728, pp 51-58.
Muruganandham, R., Dinesh, J., Basha, M. R., Sakthirama, V., & Saranya, B. (2021). A review study on the application of machine learning algorithms in production planning and control. GIS Science Journal, 8(12).
Jagajeevan, R., Deepa, R., & Chitra, R. (2021). A Study on the Retention Strategies for Millennials with special reference to IT Sector in the State of Tamilnadu. International Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 12(2), 4458 – 4466
Harish, V. Madhumitha R & Mansurali A, Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES)ISSN (Online): 2320-9364, ISSN (Print): 2320-9356, Volume 9 Issue 7 ? 2021 ? PP. 48-53
Sujatha, R., & Karthikeyan, M. S. (2021). Investigating green supply chain management practices and performance among apparel manufacturing firms. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 14(3), 271-290.
Sujatha, R., & Karthikeyan, M. S. (2021). Determinants of e-Commerce Adoption: Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in India. International Journal of Business and Society, 22(2), 574-590.
Sujatha, R. (2021). A Systematic Methodology for Assessing and Building Knowledge Management Capacity Among SMEs in India. IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(3).
Mansurali A , Praveen R, Swamynathan R, A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON INFLUENCER MARKETING AND ON THE ATTRIBUTESOF AN INFLUENCER, Anvesak, ISSN : 0378 – 4568 UGC Care Group 1 Journal, Vol. 51, No.1(XXIII) January – June 2021 (Released in August)
Mansurali A & R Deepa, LIFESTYLE SEGMENTATION IN THE CONTEXT OF COVID-19, Skyliness Business Journal (2021),17(1), 25-37, ISSN 1998-3425
Sujatha, R., & Maheswari, B. U. (2021). Implementing Learning Analytic Tools in Predicting Students’ Performance in a Business School. Applied Advanced Analytics (pp. 135-146). Springer, Singapore, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-33-6656-5_12, ISSN- 978-981-336-656-5
Uma Maheswari B., Sujatha R., Fantina S., Mansurali A. (2021) ARIMA Versus ANN—A Comparative Study of Predictive Modelling Techniques to Determine Stock Price. In: Goyal D., Gupta A.K., Piuri V., Ganzha M., Paprzycki M. (eds) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 166. Springer, Singapore.
Suganya, G., & Joshua Selvakumar, J. (2021). Efficiency model for the proliferation of secondary market supply chain – with reference to Indian Garment Cluster. Proceedings of the International Conference on “Embracing Change and transformation – breakthrough innovation and creativity, organized by Dr. D. Y. Patil Business School Pune, in collaboration with Dr. Soetomo University, Indonesia and AIMS, India. ISBN: 978-93-950596-0-7
Deepa, R., & Panicker, A. S. (2021). Development and Validation of an Emotional Intelligence Test for Medical Students. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, 17(3), 37-47 – COPERNICUS INDEXED
2020-2021Deepa, R., & Mansurali, A. (2021). Coping Styles Adapted During COVID-19 in the Indian Context. Psychology and Education, 58(3), 864-874; SCOPUS INDEXED
Maheswari, B. U., Sujatha, R., Fantina, S., & Mansurali, A. (2021). ARIMA Versus ANN—A Comparative Study of Predictive Modelling Techniques to Determine Stock Price. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence (pp. 315-323). Springer, Singapore.
P Mary Jeyanthi, Mansurali A, Harish V , V D Krishnaveni (2020)Conceptual Framework of Customer Value Management (CVM) in Indian Banking Sector, Webology, Volume 17, Number 2, December, 2020,971-981
Vinitha Sree, Rupa Gunaseelan and Jagajeevan, R. (2020). Healthcare professionals’ empathy and patients’ behavioral compliance: The mediation model of patients’ attitude and practice. Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Volume XII, Issue IX, Page No: 813-818
R.Chitra and B. Subadra Devi (2020) , “Consumers Perception towards Organic Food”, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, UCG care Group 1 Journal, Volume-54, No.2 (IX) Nov 2020 pp 135-140, ISSN : 0025-0422
Dr. Sitansu Panda, Dr. N.L. Balasudarsun, Dr. R. Jagajeevan, Dr. R. Chitra (2020) “Total Quality Management – A Review” , International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 2, Issue 10, Dec 2020 pp: 453-457, ISSN: 2395-5252
B. Nishanth, S.Priyanka, K.Venkatesh, A. Muhammad Raheel Basha, R.Muruganandham, Harish V. Mathematical Modelling of Supply Chain under COVID 19 Business Scenario with the Review Study on Fuzzy Logic based Supply Chains, European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicines, SCOPUS INDEXED, ISSN 2515-8260
C. Nithya Priya, R. Muruganandham, M.Muthu Vinayakam, Studies on Pectin Poly( Vinyl Alcohol) based Biodegradable Polymer Blend Electrolytes, Material Performance and Characterization, SCOPUS INDEXED, ISSN 2379-1365,
Hemalatha, S., & Deepa, R. (2020). Emotional Intelligence and Personality of Merchandisers: An empirical analysis. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(2), 136-140. NAAS Rating 4.64.
Deepa, R., & Mansurali, A. (2020). Life Satisfaction during COVID-19. J Hum Ecol, 71(1-3): 127-138, SCOPUS INDEXED
G. Suganya, Dr. R. Swaminathan, Dr. Sekkizhar J., (2020) Website Communication Effectiveness – A Multi-Method Study, JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS, ISSN- 2394-5125, VOL 7, ISSUE 13, 2020. Scopus indexed.
Balasudasrun, N. (2020). Review on Emergence of Electric Mobility and Feasibility of Electric Mobility adoption in India, Aegaeum Journal, Vol. 8, No.9, 2020 (UGC Care), pp.1407-1417.
Balasudarsun, N. L. (2020). Influence of Political & Election Situation over Stock Market, Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Vol.5, No.9, 2020, pp. 84-88.
R. Chitra and B. Subadra Devi (2020) “Impact of Organic Farming on Biodiversity”, AutAut Research Journal, An UGC-Care approved Group II Journal, Vol XI, Issue VII, pp 431-440 , July 2020, ISSN No 0005-0601
Arul Rajan. K, “Influence of hedonic and utilitarian motivation on impulse and rational buying behavior in online shopping”, Journal of statistics and management systems, Volume 23,2020 – Issue 2 ( Taylor and Francis )
Balasudarsun, N. L., Sathish, M., Chitra, R., & Manimekalai (2020) “Does the Social media Change the Consumer’s Purchase behaviour among Millennial?”, Journal of Xidian University, An UGC-Care approved Group 2 Journal, Vol 14, Issue 4 pp 2681-2701 ,April 2020
Balasudarsun, N.L., & Sekkizhar, J. (2020). A study on the influence of Networking Behavior on Salespeople Performance”, coauthored with Dr. M. Sathish, and Dr. Hari Sundar, Journal of Xidian University, ISSN No:1001- 2400, vol.14, Issue4, 2020.
Harish, V., Krishnaveni, V. D., Mansurali, A., & Mary Jeyanthi, P., (2020), Supply Chain Management: How India Ranks Among Brics Countries, The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, Volume 51 (2): 336-355
Jagajeevan, R. (2020). A study on employee retention in the pharmaceutical sector in coimbatore, GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE
Krishnaveni, V. D., Harish,V., Mary Jeyanthi, P., and Mansurali, A. (2020), COVID-19: Impact on Indian Agriculture, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 05, ISSN: 1475-7192
Mansurali A., Deepa, R and Harish V. (2020), Impact of COVID-19 on Marital Relationships – Insights from South India, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 05, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192, 6592-6618 – SCOPUS INDEXED
Sakthirama, V. (2020). Data Analytics Using Intelligent Optimization Technique: Profitability Analysis of Banks Using Fuzzy Logic Decision Making Technique” as co- author in Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 03-Special Issue, 2020
Sakthirama, V., Muruganandham, R. (2020). Supplier Selection in Manufacturing Industry Using AHP, Fuzzy and Neural Network: A study using Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 05-Special Issue, 2020
Srividya, V. (2020). A study on bootstrapping financing methods employed in Indian SMEs, TEST Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 83, 19243-19254 SCOPUS INDEXED
Srividya, V. (2020). The IVIX: Examination on the Stylized facts and its relationship with Nifty Index, TEST Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 83, 19243- 19254 SCOPUS INDEXED
Srividya, V. (2020). Impact of US Macroeconomic Announcements on Indian Equity market: Empirical evidence from Indian volatility Index, Our Heritage(UCG CARE Listed Journal), ISSN:0474-9030 , April 2020, Pg220- 228.
Sujatha, R., & Krishnaveni, R. (2020). Knowledge Management Practices as an antecedent for enabling work performance of employees : empirical evidence from pump and motor manufacturing cluster in India”, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol.20, No.3, pp.289-306. The journal is listed in ABDC and UGC CARE.
Uma Maheswari, B and Kavitha D. (2020). Impact of Covid 19 on The Lockdown Generation: A Study Beyond Economics and Commerce, Tathaphi,Vol-19-Issue-43- June-2020,ISSN:2320-0693
Vaidehi Priyal V and Ramkumar N (2020), Transcendent Study on Spiritual Growth and Performance of Leading Textile Unit in Coimbatore by Innovative Technology, Adhyatma: A Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Human Values, Vol 4, Issue 1, January-June – 2020
2019-2020Uma Maheswari, B & Kavitha, D (2020) Sustainability for small and medium enterprises: an interpretive structural modelling approach, Int. J. Business Excellence, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2020,
Mansurali (2020). A Survey of Emerging Countries Economy: Sustainable Development in Social Media and Information Systems, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 01-Special Issue, 2020 – Impact Factor – 0.112
Mansurali (2020). To Identify Purchase Intent Drivers for Strategic Marketing in Tamil Nadu State of Microfinance, The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.19, No.2. – ABDC – C Category – Impact Factor – 0.910
Joshua Selvakumar (2019). Model for determining happiness among women employees in the Garment Industry. Think India Journal, 22(14)
Sujatha, R., and Sekkizhar, J. (2019) ‘Determinants of M-Commerce Adoption in India Using Technology Acceptance Model Infused with Innovation Diffusion Theory’, Journal of Management Research, Vol.19, No.3, 2019
Mansurali, A & Harish V (2019), Market Basket Analysis Using Apriori Algorithm on Departmental Store Point of Sales Data, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 04-Special Issue, 2019
Dr.R.Sujatha and Dr.R.Krishnaveni, ‘Systematic Knowledge Management Audit Methodology – Empirical Analysis from Pump Manufacturing Cluster in South India’, SS International Journal of Economics and Management, Vol.9, No.3, 2019
Srividya, V., & Susana, D. (2019). Global market uncertainty transmission in the post global crisis period: An Empirical Evaluation using Vector Autoregressive analysis, International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(12), 6851-6882 (ISSN No. 2455-8834 & UGC Approved Journal No. 63200) – July 2019
Muruganandham, R. Mohammed Raheel Basha A, Dinesh J and Kavitha K, (2019) An Efficient Operations Management Strategy using Fuzzy Logic Decision Making based shop floor control technique, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue- 2S4, July 2019
Muruganandham, R. Mohammed Raheel Basha A, Dinesh J and Devamaindhan B, (2019) Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic Based Decision Making Technique for Shop Floor Control in Operations Management,International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-6S3 April, 2019
Srividya, V., & Susana, D. (2019). Impact of Macroeconomic Announcements on Equity Markets: Empirical Evidence from India, IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management, 16(1). (ISSN No. 0972-916X & UGC Approved Journal No. 46858)
Harish V. (2019). Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Management, Asian Journal of Multi-dimensional research, ISSN(online):2278-4853, Vol 8, Special Issue 5, May 2019
Krishnaveni, Swamynathan (2019), Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Occupational Hazards with Respect to Farmer Health and Safety: A Pilot Study, Ethno Med, 13(1): 37-43 (2019, PRINT: ISSN 0973-5070, ONLINE: ISSN 2456-6772, SCI JR 0.14 :Q2
Harish V. (2019). Why Universities should push for E books? A means of University Reforms? Asian Journal of Distance Education, ISSN 1347-9008, Vol 13.2, 120- 136
2018-2019Harish V. (2019). Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Management, Asian Journal of Multi-dimensional research, ISSN(online):2278-4853, Vol 8, Special Issue 5, May 2019
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Krishnaveni, Swamynathan (2019), Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Occupational Hazards with Respect to Farmer Health and Safety: A Pilot Study, Ethno Med, 13(1): 37-43 (2019, PRINT: ISSN 0973-5070, ONLINE: ISSN 2456-6772, SCI JR 0.14 :Q2
Kavitha, D. and Uma Maheswari, B. (2019). Comparison of Sustainability Factors Influencing Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability- An Empirical Study in an Emerging Economy, AIMS International Journal of Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2018, pp. 161-169.
Harish V. (2019). Why Universities should push for E books? A means of University Reforms? Asian Journal of Distance Education, ISSN 1347-9008, Vol 13.2, 120-136
Kavitha, D. and Uma Maheswari, B. (2019). Factors motivating social entrepreneurs- An empirical study in the state of Tamil Nadu, India, Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2019, pp. 1-7.
Subhashini Durai D., Krishnaveni Rudhramoorthy, Shulagna Sarkar (2019). HR Metrics and workforce analytics: it is a journey not a destination, Human Resource Management International Digest, 27(1).
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Dhivya, M., Nandagopal, R. and Kavitha, D. 2018, “Mudra Scheme and MSME Funding Schemes in India with Special Reference to Entrepreneurs in Coimbatore”, Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 57-82. (ISSN: 2229-5348), April-June 2018 Issue.
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Kavitha, D. and Uma Maheswari, B. 2018, “Corporate Financial Reporting on Websites: Evidence from India”, Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 09, No.02, pp. 891-895. April-June Issue
Uma Maheswari, B., Kavitha, D. and Nandagopal, R. 2018, “Sustainability Practices and Firm Performance in Small and Medium Sized Family Run Firms-A Generational Perspective”, Journal of Management Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 127-136. (ISSN: 0972-5814; Online ISSN: 0974-455X) A UGC Approved Journal; Listed in ABDC Quality Journal List April-June Issue
Sujatha, R. And Kavitha, D. 2018, “Learner Retention in MOOC Environment: Analyzing the role of motivation, self-efficacy and perceived effectiveness”, International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 62-74.
Uma Maheswari, B., Nandagopal, R. and Kavitha, D. “Sustainable Development Practices Adopted by SMEs in a Developing Economy: An Empirical Study”, The IUP Journal of Management Research, Vol. XVII, No. 3, pp. 7-19.
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Manikanda Prabhu & Joshua Selvakumar (2018). Supply Chain Practices and its impact on supply chain performance of Peanut Chikki Industry in Kovilpatti, Global Journal of Mangement and Business Research: E Marketing, ISSN: 2249-4588 & print ISSN: 0975-5853, vol 18 issue 3, pp 25-31
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Ranga Ram, Joshua Selvakumar (2018). An Analysis on the Supply Chain and Marketing of Wild Honey Products – with reference to Coimbatore. Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Vol.03, issue-03, pp 16-21
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2017-2018Arulrajan, K., & Senthilkumar, R. (2018). Re- engineering Management education using Digital Media and its effects in knowledge creation: Evidence from empirical data. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 3(4), 40-44
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Arulrajan, K., Yuvaraj, J., & Sowmya, K. (2018). A study on factors affecting the feelings of perceived intrusiveness while exposed to pre-roll ADs in YOUTUBE, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Volume 8, Special Issue IX, 474-480
Balamurugan, R.N.(2017) Case study on Catering Service: Tranformations and inevitable contributions in the Food Industry. Business Perspectives, 16(2), 65-81
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Joshua Selvakumar (2017) Influence of lifestyle and Attitude on online shopping. Asia Pacific Journal of Research, 1(iv), 24-30
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Kochan F, Searby L, George M P, & Edge J M (2015). Cultural influences in mentoring endeavors: applying the Cultural Framework Analysis Process. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 4(2), 86-106.Permanent link to this document:
Krishnaveni R & Arthi (2015) Identifying factors supporting effective performance of expatriates in host country: A perceptional analysis, Purushartha – A journal of management, ethics and spirituality, 8(1); pp 44-62.
Maharajan K & Krishnaveni R (2016). “Managing the migration from military to civil society” Motivational model for socioeconomic needs in resettlement of veterans in India, Armed forces and society, Sage publications, 1-21.
Mansurali A (2015). Women Empowerment through Microfinance Institutions with a special focus on Socio- Economic, Financial & Personal Indicators, International Journal of Retailing and Rural Business Perspectives, 4(4), 1894-1899.
Mansurali A (2016). Enhancing Livelihood of Below Poverty Line Women – Understanding the Role of Microfinance Institutions, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(4), 276-284.
Mansurali A & Lakshmanan R (2016). Empirical Study on Social Initiatives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indian Apparel Industry, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, 24, 2(116), 8-14. DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1191422
Nandagopal R (2015). Sustainability and BRICS’, Conference Proceedings of the International Research Conference “Risks and Threats to the BRICS Economies” held at National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, November 10-12, 2015.
Nandagopal R (2016). Drivers in implementing sustainability practices in the context of Indian small and medium enterprises, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(4), 266-275.
Parvadavardini S & Vivek N (2015). A study on the agricultural value chain financing in India. Agricultural Economics (Zeme de lská Ekonomika), 61(1), 31-38, Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Parvadavardini S, Vivek N, & Devadasan S R (2016). Impact of quality management practices on quality performance and financial performance: evidence from Indian manufacturing companies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27(5-6), 507-530.
Raman H. (2015). Dynamics of Indian Economic Growth: Can India become an economic powerhouse by 2025?, Rai Management Journal ISSN No 0975-4326) Vol XII Issue II., Volume 3, Issue 1(II):
Raman H. (2016) ‘WTO and the exports of Indian Industrials and Agricultural Products: Is it a conflict of Interests?’, Comdex Times, A Monthly Journal on Management Ideas, New Delhi, Vol.XXI, Issue-4, April 2015 pp-5-7.
Raman H. (2015) ‘Bilateral and Regional Free Trade Agreements: Are they Stumbling Blocks to WTO Multinational Trade Negotiations?’ Comdex Times, A monthly Journal on Management Ideas New Delhi, Vol.XXI, Issue-6, June 2015 pp-7-8.
Raman H. (2015) ‘Full Captial Acclunt Convertibility in India: Is it a Distant Dream’ Comdex Yimes, A Monthly Journal on Management Ideas, Vol.XXI, Issue-8, August 2015.
Raman H. (2015) ‘WTO: World Trade Report-2014:Trends of World Trade. Is it a New Vision?’ The Southern Indian Engineering Manufactures’ Association Monthly Journal, SIEMA, Vol.14, Issue-5, May 2015 pp-7-9.
Ramkumar N & Soumya S (2015). A Study on Quality of Worklife at India Infoline, Cochin, Primax International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 2321-3612; Impact Factor: 2.532.
Saraswathi M & Muthiah D K (2015). Improving Gender Recognition Rate in Face Recognition System Based on Linear Discriminant Analysis Technique. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, 3(4).
Sathish M (2015). Measurement of effectiveness on media mix adopted by Indian corporate, NIET Journal of Management, 7(1), 53-64
Sathish M. (2015). Gender difference in Buying Behaviour and Brand preferences towards Backpack, International Academic Research Journal of Business Management, 4 (4), 12-27.
Sathyanarayanan R S(2016). From multi-channel to omni-channel: determinants of choice, Asian Journal of research in Social Sciences and Humanities, ISSN: 2249.
M Satish R, N Balamurugan & Adhitiya A (2016), “Customer loyalty towards M-commerce with respect to Gen-Z”, IFIM business School, 11(22), ISSN- 0973-9165.
Soumya S & Ramkumar N(2016) Mitigating Stress through Empowerment: A study with respect to Manufacturing sector organizations in Cochin, Kerala, India, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, (Paper accepted for publication; to be published in May 2016).
V& Susana (2016). A Study on Assessing the financial literacy among employed individuals in India, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 5208 AJRSH.
Sudha Rani Ravindran D &Hari Sundar G.Ram, (2015).Bawarchi- a case study on Retail Management, Gururkulam Journal of Management Research, 3(1), Jan 2015.
Sudha Rani Ravindran D &Hari Sundar G. Ram, (2015). Impact of demographic variables on customer movement- an empirical study of customer perception in Kerala, Global Journalof Business and Management Research, Apr 2015.
Sudha Rani Ravindran D. Study on Music and Amiability of Sales Personnel on Consumer Behaviour, Asian Journal of Research in Marketing, ISSN 2277- 6621.
Sujatha R & Krishnaveni R (2015). Knowledge management: An ingredient for sustainability of organizations. Bus. Manag, 9, 299-309.
Swamynathan R & Lakshmanan R (2016). Empirical Study on Social Initiatives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indian Apparel Industry, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, 24, 2(116), 8-14. DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1191422
Swamynathan R. (2015). Women Empowerment through Microfinance Institutions with a special focus on Socio- Economic, Financial & Personal Indicators, International Journal of Retailing and Rural Business Perspectives, 4(4), 1894-1899.
Swamynathan R. (2016). Enhancing Livelihood of Below Poverty Line Women – Understanding the Role of Microfinance Institutions, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(4), 276-284.
Lakshmanan R, Swamynathan R & Mansurali A (2016). Empirical Study on Social Initiatives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indian Apparel Industry. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe.
Uma Maheswari B (2015). Sustainability and BRICS’, Conference Proceedings of the International Research Conference “Risks and Threats to the BRICS Economies” held at National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, November 10-12, 2015.
Uma Maheswari B (2016). Drivers in implementing sustainability practices in the context of Indian small and medium enterprises, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(4), 266-275.
Uma Maheswari B (2016). Usefulness of annual report to professional investors in India, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities – to be published in May 2016.
Vaidehi Priyal V & Ramkumar N. (2015). Ascertaining Individual’s Spiritual Growth and Their Performance Orientation, Purushartha – A Journal of Management, Ethics and Sprituality, 19-29.
Vaidehi Priyal V & Ramkumar N. (2016). Impact of Spirituality on Organisational Performance, Sprituality in the Workplace, Bonfring Intellectual Integrity, 40-49.
Vaidehi Priyal V & Ramkumar N(2015). Relationship between aura life colour and generational differences, The Journal of Contemporary Management Research, 9(1), 26 – 51.
Varadharajan P (2015). Economic development of Rural Population through Captial Market Inclusion in Coimbatore, India. Purushartha.
Varadarajan P (2015). “A study on Impact and value of Acquisition with reference to Tata and Jaguar Land Rover”, DJSR, Vol: 2, Issue: 2, February 2015, Pp.09-17.
Vijaya T G (2015). A study of employee engagement in a production oriented organization in South India, Udyog Pragati, 39(1).
Vijaya T G(2015). Evaluating the impact of role stress on work-family conflict among the pharma sales executives, International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, 1(17).
Vijayakumar N, Dharani M & Muruganandan S. (2015). Impact of Weather on Return and Volatility: Evidence from Indian Stock Market, International Journal of Financial Management, 5(2), 42-49.
Vijayakumar N.(2015). An Empirical Study on Volatility Pattern of the Shariah Compliant Stocks in Indian Capital Market, Journal of Economic Policy and Research, 10( 2), 150-165. ISSN 0975-8577.
Vivek N (2016), Restructuring the agriculture supply chain, pp- 135- 148, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, ISSN:1751-0260.
Vivek N (2016), “Green Finance for sustainable Green Economic Growth in India”, Agricultural Economics Journal, ISSN:1805-9295.
Publications : Chapter in Book/ Edited Books/ and Conference Proceedings
Krishnaveni Muthiah (2016), ‘Trade Impediments in Exports’, Statperson Publishing Corporation, IndiaISSN: 978-1-329-65622-2.
Krishnaveni V D(2015), Case Study titled “Making Sustainability Strategy: the case of interface”, Book titled “Environmental management, Oxford University Press”, July 2015. Pp-500-509
Sudha Rani Ravindran & Hari Sundar G Ram (2015) Consumer perception towads purchase of Ecofriendly products in Kerala, Book titled ” Marketing in Emerging Economics”, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabed.
Ramkumar N(2015) Impact of Spirituality on Organisational Performance, Spirituality in the Workplace, Eds: M. Subramaniam& N. Panchanatham, Bonfring Intellectual Integrity, 978-93-85477-67-6.
2014-2015Aravamudhan N R and Krishnaveni R (2014), “Spirituality at workplace- An Emerging Template for Organization capacity building”, Purushartha, Vol VII, No 1,march- August 2014. Pp 63-79
Balamurugan R N, Sathish M, Jublee D & Sathyanarayanan R S (2014). A Market Study on Perception of Online Marketing Adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Coimbatore City. TMC Academic Journal, 1.
Deepa R(2014). “Role of Emotional Intelligence in Creating a Congruent Culture for Medical Professionals”, In Narayana Reddy P, Apoorva Palkar (Eds.,), Rejuvenating Management Education (pp. 170-182). Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House Pvt Ltd. ISBN: 978-93-5142-889-3
Deepa R and Krishnaveni R (2014). “Congruence between Professional Characteristics and Organizational Culture for an engaged work force – A study across professions” The IASMS Journal of Business Spectrum, Vol 7, 2, 13 – 22.
Hemalatha S, Venkatram R and Krishnaveni R, (2014), “Human performance technology applied to supermarkets in India”, Performance Improvement, Wiley publications, Vol 53, no 10, pp 30-37.
Joshua Selvakumar (2014). Dimensions of Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC) and the impact in creating brand equity in the quick service restaurants Industry in Coimbatore City, Christ University Law Journal, Ushus J B Mgt 13(4), 49-62, ISSN:0975-3311.
Aravamudhan N R & Krishnaveni R. (2015). Recruitment and Selection Building Scale: Content Validity Evidence. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 12(3), 58.
Selvakumar J J(2014), “A study on Online Shopping Behaviour in Coimbatore”, Asian Research Journal of Business Management, Issue 1, Vol.2, pp 60-73.
Selvakumar J J (2014). A Study on the Scope for Special Interest Tourism Based Services in India. East Asian Journal of Business Economics, 2, 56-64.
Mansurali A & Swamynathan R. (2014). A Study on Compact Fluorescent Lamps- Awareness and Utilization Among Households in the District of Coimbatore,India. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), 2014, Vol 1, No.6, 100-106. 100, Available online at ISSN: 2348 – 0343
(2014). “A study on customer satisfaction in Airways – Coimbatore City”. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, ISSN 2250 – 3153.
Ramkumar N & Soumya S (2014). Competency Mapping for Sustainable Development, Journal of Exclusive Management Science (Impact Factor 2.78- JEMS), Nov 2014.
Raman H (2014). ‘Time Management:Is time significant for Physicians or Patients ? The Southern India Engineering Manufacturers’ Association Monthly Journal,SIEMA,Volume-13,Issue-12,December 2014, pp-7-8
Raman H (2014). Facets of Indian Manufacturing Sector, The Southern India Engineering Manufacturers’ Association Monthly Journal, (Quality Decisions)SIEMA,Volume-13,Issue-5, May, pp-7-9
Raman H (2014). Success in market research:Is it a far reachable milestone? The Southern India Engineering Manufacturers’ Association Monthly Journal, (Market Research) SIEMA,Volume-13,Issue-7,July 2014 pp-13-15
Raman H “Dynamics of Inflation:Is it challenging to stabilize inflation?. Comdex Times, A monthly journal on Management Ideas, New Delhi,Volume XX, Issue 12,December 2014, pp-5-6
Raman H. “Indian Interest Rate and Exchange Rate: A Multi- Dimensional Paradigm’ Comdex Times, A monthly journal on Management Ideas,New Delhi, Volume XXI, Issue 2,February 2015 pp-5-6 pp-7-9
Sathish M. A Marketstudy on Perception of Online Marketing Adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises in Coimbatore City, India. Won the Best Research Article in TMC Academic Journal, 8, (special) issue 2,
Senthil Kumar T and Srividya V (2014), “Cointegration among the Stock Markets of India, USA and Japan”, International Journal of Economic Research (ISSN : 0972-9380) Vol.11, No.1-2 Part-III, 2014. Anna University Chennai Annexure – II journal.
Senthil Kumar T and Srividya V (2014), “Stock Markets Inter-linkages among the two largest emerging economies of Asia – the case of India and China”, International Journal of Economic perspectives (ISSN: 1307-1637) Volume 8, Issue 4 (December 2014), SCOPUS Impact Factor: 0.282 (2012). Anna University Chennai Annexure – II journal.
Senthilkumar T and Srividya V (2014), “ shareholder Wealth implications of bank merger announcements in India” European Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Sciences, Issue 62, pp. 49-60
Sri Gayathridevi K and Deepa R (2015). “Effectiveness of a Business Communication Course: Evidence from a business school in India”, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, Vol 78, No. 1, pp 94-103
Srividya V and SenthilKumar T ( 2014), “ A study on Post merger Efficiency Gains of Indian Private Sector Banks”, Rejuvenating Management Education AIMS conference proceeding, 2014, ISBN :978-93-5142-889-3 Pp. 190 -204
Sudha Rani Ravindran D and Balachandran Arumugam, (2014). Success Factors of Incubatee Startups and the Incubation Environment Influences, IJABER, 12(4), pp 224-234, 2014.
Sujatha R and Krishnaveni R (2015), “Knowledge management: An Ingredient for sustainability of organizations”,International Business Management, Medwell Journals, 9(3), pp 299-309.
Swamynathan R and Vanathi R (2014 ) “Competitive Advantage through Supply chain collaboration – An Empirical study in Indian textile industry”, Journal of FIBRE &TEXTILES EASTERN EUROPE,2014; 22, 4(106): 8-13
Swamynathan R, Lakshmanan R. & Vanathi R. (2014). An empirical study for proposition development on Social Standards in the Tirupur garment industry, TATA Journal of Social Sciences, Sep 2014.
Swamynathan R, Shabeena Begum M & Sekkizhar J (2014). Lean Management Tools and Techniques : A Review for manufracturing firm and workers, International Academy for Science and Technology Education and Research, Aug 2014.
Khadir F & Swamynathan R (2014). Deterrents of Complaining: An Empirical Study of Inpatients. Studies on Ethno-Medicine, 8(3), 259-267.
Begam M S, Swamynathan R & Sekkizhar J. (2013). Current trends on lean management–A review. International Journal of lean thinking, 4(2), 15-21.
Uma Maheswari B (2015). Sustainability and BRICS, International Research Conference “Risks and Threats to the BRICS Economies”, Nov 2015.
Varadarajan P. (2014). “Construction of optimum equity portfolio with special reference to Automobile, Pharmaceutical, and banking sectors in India” Issue: 1, Vol: 3 Jan-2014-March 2-14. ISSN: 2319-7145. Pp.61-67.
Vijaya T G & Hemamalini R (2015). Evaluating work- family enrichment, work family satisfaction and work family balance among sales person, Indian Journal of Social Work by TATA Institute, Aug 2015.
Vijaya T G(2014). A study on the influence of birth order on vocational decision making, GITAM Journal of Management, July – Sep 2014.
Vivek N & Soundarrajan P. A Study On the Agricultural Value Chain Financing In India, Agricultural Economics, 61(1), pp 31- 38.
Vivek N, Kannan E, Sasikumar S, Darshit S, Aruna B V “Impact Of Cooked Tribulus Terrestris Fruit Extract On Lead Induced Hepato And Renal Toxicity”, American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 2(1), pp 2384-9502.
Eagappan K, Sasikumar S, Ancy V J, Mathew R, Aruna V, Shah D B & Ramalingam S (2014). Impact of probiotics lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactobacillus casei on lipoglycemic and antioxidative status of diabetic rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research,15 (8), 3235-3245
Boxplot Analysis Of Nutritional Status Of Adults Referred For Their Bmd Scores(2014), Eagappan K, Sasikumar S, Ancy V J, Karthik S & Vivek N(2014). World Journal of Pharmaceutical ReseaRch. 3 (3), ISSN:5057-5069
2013-2014Ajith Sankar R N and Shashank Shah HumanResource Management in the changing businessenvironment of the Indian construction industry:A case study. Emerald Emerging Markets CaseStudies Collection
Ajith Sankar R N Instrument development forusing Trikaranasuddhi (Purity and Unity ofthought, word and deed) as Ethical Guidepostsin eliciting workplace feedback, ManagementToday, 3(3), 1-8
Balamurugan R N, Sathish M, Surinder NathSharma, & Dr Karthikeyan P. (2013) – CRM inCar Service Industry with reference to car dealersin Coimbatore. Journal of Business Management& Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSNNo: 2319-5614 Volume 2, No.6, June 2013
Balamurugan R N, Sudharani R and Harisundar G. Ram (2013) – Study on ShoppingStyles of Young Shoppers – A study withreference to young shoppers in Kerala State,India. The international journal’s ResearchJournal of Economics & Business Studies,Singapore Vol.2, Number 8, June 2013.
Deepa R and Krishnaveni R (2013). ControllingCommon Method Variance while measuring theimpact of Emotional Intelligence on Well-Being.Vikalpa, Vol 38(1), 39-45
Gayathridevi K and George M P (2013).Enriching Learning through a Real LivelihoodExperience .Far East Journal of Psychology andBusiness, 11.
George M P, ShivaRamakrishnan, Mampilly, Rupert S. (2013). Personality fit betweenMentor and protégé dyads and its influence onthe effectiveness of formal mentoring in a pcmmlevel 4/5 certified IT company in chennai, India.Far East Journal of Psychology andBusiness,Issue 10
Joshua Selvakumar A study on Diffusion ofinnovation in private labels in food products inCoimbatore City, Quest Journal of ManagementResearch, 3(2), 43-57
Joshua Selvakumar A study on the scope forspecial interest tourism based services in India,East Asia Journal of Business Economics,KODISA, Vol 2, 29-41
Joshua Selvakumar Dimensions of Integrated Marketing Communication, Lambert PublishingHouse, Germany, June 2013
Joshua Selvakumar J and Varadarajan P. (2013)Study on Growth prospects of private labels tothat of National Brands in the FMCG retail sectorin Coimbatore. International Journal ofEconomics, Business and Finance, 1(2), pp 34-42
Kavitha D and Nandagopal R (2013), Changingperspectives of corporate governance in India,International Journal of Indian Culture andBusiness Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 72-89.
Krishnaveni R and Aravamudhan N R(2013).Capacity Building: A new paradigm fordevelopment. Effective Executive, Vol 16(2), pp:27-42
Krishnaveni R and Muralidaran (2013). JobSatisfaction and Turnover intention inorganizations: A study across sectors in Indianperspective. Prabhadhan: Indian Journal ofManagement, Vol 6(7), pp: 5-14
Krishnaveni R and Anitha J(2013). ProfessionalCharacteristic of an Educator: A survey ofLiterature. Journal of Management andDevelopment Studies, Vol 25(1), 1-22
Krishnaveni R and Sujatha R(2013).Institutional Capacity Building: A systematicapproach. SCMS Journal of Indian Management,Vol 10(4), pp: 17-23
Krishnaveni R, Sekhar C, Hemalatha S and Pandian B J (2013). Guidelines in training needanalysis the case of irrigation project. Journal ofInternational Academic Research forMultidisciplinary, Vol 1(10)
Krishnaveni R and Sripirabhaa. (2013), HRCAPScore GRID: A tool for sustainable developmentof HRM function. Global Journal of Research inManagement, Dec.
Naachimuthu K P. Learning Organization Surveyin Private and Government Aided educationalinstitutions A Comparative study, GITAM Journalof Management, Vol.11 No.3 pp210-220, JulySeptember 2013
Sathish M and Balamuguran R, ConsumerBehavior towards online shopping A study withreference to Coimbatore, TMC Academy ofJournal, 8(1), 43-53
Srividya V, Senthil kumar T, Shareholder Wealth Implications of Bank Merger Announcement in India, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Issue 62, January 2014.
Swamynathan R, Mansurali, UmeshChandrasekar, “Mall mania- A study of factorsinfluencing consumers’ preference towardsshopping malls in Coimbatore city”, ICFAIPublications – IJMM- IUP Journal of MarketingManagement, Volume XII, No 4, November2013, pp 29-41
Swamynathan R, Sekkizhar J and SabeenaBegum A brief overview of Lean managementpractices in manufacturing industries, IJAIR,International Journal of Advanced and InnovativeResearch, 2(8), 160-174
Swamynathan R & Shrutee Mayur (2013).Emotional Intelligence – A pathway toperformance: A descriptive study amongBusiness Administration graduates in Kerala,Life Science Journal, Vol 10(2), 1801-1806
Swamynathan R & Vanathi R (2013). Anexploratory study on adoption of supply chainmaturity model for enhancement of supply chainperformance in industries. Life Science Journal,Vol 10(2)
Swamynathan R, and Begum Shabeena, “LeanManagement Tools and Techniques: A LiteratureReview for Manufacturing Firms and Employees”in International Journal of Research inManagement Sciences (IJRMS)
Begam M S, Swamynathan R & Sekkizhar J (2013). Current trends on lean management–A review. International Journal of lean thinking, 4(2), 15-21.
Uma Maheswari B, The family’s influence on thestrategic planning effectiveness in small familyrun firms, Life Sciences Journal, 10(3)
Uma Maheswari B, Management Education in India, The Southern India EngineeringManufacturers’ Association , May 2013 Volume12 Issue 5 Monthly magazine: pg 3
Varadharajan P, (2013). Construction of anoptimal equity portfolio with reference toBanking and Finance Sectors in India, ARASH,An International Referred Research Journal ofManagement, Vol 3, No 1 & 2, January July pp.26-34
Vijayakumar, N. Development of Derivativesmarket in India, The South Indian EngineeringManufacturers Association (SIEMA), Vol.11(12), pp 9 11
Uma Maheswari B, Kavitha D and Nandagopal R. (2013). The familiness of the family firms- Anempirical study in the Indian context,International Journal of ManagementEntrepreneurship & Technology (IJMETOnline),Vol. 3, Issue. 2, Dec 2013. ISSN (2162-1578).Article no 39